August 21, 2007



Date of birth: 22-02-1952
Site of birth: Thessaloniki, Greece
E-mail address:

Ø 1970-1975 - Biological Faculty, University of Athens

Ø 1975-1977 - Faculty of Social Anthropology,
University of Paris VII

Ø 1977-1979 - Faculty of Sociology
University of Paris V

Ø 1977-1978 - Faculty of Social Anthropology
University of Paris VII

Ø 1978-1979 - Faculty of Sociology
University of Paris VII

Ø 1979-1980 - Faculty of Languages and Civilizations
University of Paris III (Nouvelle Sorbonne)

Ø 1979-1980 - Faculty of Social Anthropology
University of Paris VII
(Mention tres bien)



1986-1991 - Lecturer at the Superior School of Home Economics of Athens
· Introduction to Sociology
· Rural Sociology
· Sociology of Family

1988-1989 - Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Sociology, University of Crete, Rethemnon
· Sociological Theory

1989-1990 - Professor at the National Superior School of Tourism, Athens
· Cultural Anthropology

1990-1993 - Many seminars sponsored by EC related to
Cultural Policy and Sociology of Education held in Athens, Sparta, Thebes, Lavrion, Delphes, Larissa

o Invitation for a series of lectures about Family and Education Alienation, Tartu University, Estonia, for the summer 1996

o Lecturing in Romania, summer 1998, 2000 and 2007

Research and teaching interests are in Youth Sexual Alienation, Youth Anomie, Education topics with an emphasis in the cultural parameters of Multicultural Education, Sociological Theory and Cultural Anthropology

1989-1992: Participation in two National Research Programs sponsored by the Technological Institute of Athens, related to the Sexuality of Adolescence and Social impacts of AIDS;
1992-1994: Senior Researcher in a Research Program sponsored by the Greek Ministry of Technology, related to Youth Subcultures and Hooliganism;
1991-1992: “Professional Orientation of Youth” in cooperation with students of Superior School of Home Economics and the Pedagogical Institute of Athens;
1994-1995: Inquiries in the secondary public schools of Athens about media influence and attitudes towards the meaning of Education and Alienation in Education and Family;
1996-1998 Recent activities carry on on-line education systems and virtual communities in a “learning society” via Internet. Creation of a relative discussion list.
1998-2000 Undertaking of a comparative research program sponsored by European Union on Multicultural Teacher Education. Participating countries: UK, Finland, Germany, France, Greece and Israel.
1. Founding member of the Hellenic Sociological Association 1983, responsible for the writing of its History insofar under the auspices of a comparative research program organized by the RC 08 of ISA History of Sociology. Voted Member of this Association Executive Board since 1989. Responsible for Congresses activity at the period 1989-1991 and Secretary for the periods 1991-1993 and 1993-1995.
2. a/ member of ISA (International Sociological Association) since 1990
b/member of ISA Research Committee 06 Sociology of Family
c/member of ISA Research Committee 36 Sociology of Alienation
d/member of ISA Research Committee 04 Sociology of Education
e/member of ISA Working Group 03 Sociology of Childhood

3. Founding member of ESA (European Sociological Association) since 1992; responsible for the Research Network for the Sociology of Education since 1995. Also member of the committees of Youth and Communication of ESA.
4. Member of International advisory board and reviewer of three sociological Journals:
a. Sociological Analysis (USA)
b. Journal of Social Sciences (India) (in English)
c. Paideusis (Romania) (Electronic Journal in English)
5. Member of the expert team of the Council of Europe for the evaluation of the Dutch National Report on Youth Policy, since May 1998


1. “Postproblems of descentralization relative to the mass and popular communications” (in Greek) in the first national conference of sociology organized by Greek Sociological Association in Athens. Dec 16-20, 1984;
2. “Le sacre et le pouvoir” (“The Holy and the Power”) ( in French) in the first World Conference of Popular Art, Larissa, July 1987;
3. “Hooliganism and Social Change” (in Greek) in the first international Conference for the “Violence and Disorder” Athens, Jan 1989
4. “Comparative Study of attitudes of Athenians and habitants of West Attica related to the fear of infection of their relatives of AIDS”. In the II National Conference of AIDS in Thessaloniki, March 1990 (in Greek).
5. “An Analysis of sexual behavior and relative attitudes of young Athenians 15-19 years old concerning the creation of their sexual identity” with J.Chliaoutakis in XII World Congress of Sociology, Madrid, July 1990 (RC 34 Youth) (in English)
6,7 a. “Attitudes and behavior of Athenians related to AIDS”
b. “Comparative Study of attitudes and behavior of Athenians related to AIDS after two Health interventions” in the third National Conference of AIDS, Athens, March 1991 (in Greek)
8,9 a. “Equality sexual and contraceptive behavior of Youth”
b. “Comparative sexual and contraceptive behavior of Youth” in Conference of Gender Relations, Athens, April 1991 (in Greek)
10. “Verification of the equality of two sexes related to the premarital sexual behavior” in the International readings of young sociologists, Sofia, Bulgaria, May 1991 (In English)
11,12 a.”Educational inequalities and the transmission of cultural capital in Greece”
b. “The multidimensional impact of Communication of the Greek educational System” in the first European conference of Sociology in Vienna, August 1992 (in English)
13. “Involuntary premarital pregnancy of adolescents in Athens”,
in the II International Congress of the European Society of Contraception, Athens, May 1992 (in English)
14,15,16,17 a. Parents’ influence on adolescents’ sexual behavior and attitudes in Greece
b. Inequalities of Greek educational system and students` alienation
c. A comparison between English and Greek football fans
d. Violence and order
presented in the XIII World Congress of Sociology, Bielefeld, Germany, July 1994
18. “Differences in the degree of alienation between male and female adolescents”, presented in the II European Conference of Sociology in Budapest, August-September, 1995 (in English)
19. “The river Acheloos’ diversion scheme” in International NATO Workshop of Rehabilitation of Water Resource Systems, Moscow, October, 1995 (in English);
20. “The role of the Greek state in the organization and transformation of Sociology as a new lesson in Greek school Curricula” in the Conference of ISA, RC 05 Sociology of Education in Jerusalem, Dec 1995 (in English)
21. Organizer of a session and presentation of a paper by the title “Alienation in family and education” in the International Conference “Cross-roads in Cultural Studies” in Tampere, Finland, July 1-4, 1996, (in English)
22,23,24 a. The meaning of education and people`s learning experiences
b. The influence of media culture to the life of Greek children
c. The vision of the other in Greek touristic settings
presented in the first “Cross-roads in Cultural Studies” Conference in Tampere, Finland, July, 1-4, 1996 (in English)
25. “Touristic cosmopolitanism” in the interim conference of RC 50 of ISA, Touristic Paradigms, in Jyvaskyla, Finland, 4-7 July, 1996.
26,27,28 a. “Education in the postmodern cross-roads. Ethics, values, identity formation and alienation”
b. “Anomie and Alienation; Violence and Knowledge in youth subcultures”
c. “Internet lists: New communication values and habits in search of a new “communication identity”
presented in the third European Conference of Sociology in Essex, UK, August 27-30, 1997
29. Organizer and convenor of three sessions related to the Alienation theory and Communication
(RC 36, 50 and 14) in the XIV World Congress of Sociology of the International Sociological Association in Montreal, 26-31/7/98
30,31,32,33,34 a. The concept of alienation under its new virtual reality;
b. The challenge of the discussion lists on the internet and the production of social knowledge;
c. Multicultural cosmopolitanism
d. The sacred and the ecstatic as transgressing factors of our postmodern profanity;
e. Anastenaria: sacrificial ecstatic firewalking in contemporary Thrace and Greek Macedonia
presented in the XIV World Congress of Sociology of the International Sociological Association in Montreal, July 26-31, 1998
35,36,37,38. Participation in 4 conferences in Sofia in 1998, 2000,2002,2007 with presentations of papers
39,40,41,42 a. Inequalities of the Greek educational system and students alienation
b.Cosmopolitanism as a way of Transdisciplinarity: Approach of the Transsociological Other.
c. Cosmopolitanism as the remedy of postmodernised Globalisation
d. Perspectives and realities of the Multicultural Education in Greece. The role of the Greek Youth.

Presented in the 37th World Congress of IIS in Stockholm, Sweden, July 5-9 ,2005.


1. “Mass Media of Communication and Mass Culture” in “Military Review”, October, 1985 (in Greek)
2. Book Criticism on three recent ethnological books in EKKE Review” 1986, No.64 (in Greek)
3. “Boundaries in Social Sciences” in “New Sociology”, March 1989 (in Greek)
4. “An Analysis of sexual behavior” in “Mladestvo Problemi” 1990, Warsawa (in Polish)
5. “The new Family Legislation and its Social Impacts” in Anniversary of Superior School of Home Economics, Athens, June 1991 (in Greek)
6. “Cultural Anthropology”, Edition of National Organization of Tourism based on lectures given during the year 1989-1990 to its School of Guides, Athens, 1990, page 119 (in Greek)
7. “Social study of social acceptance of people infected with HIV virus” in “Greek Review of Dermatology and Venerology” No.3, 1991 (in Greek)
8. “XII World Congress of Sociology 1990. Judgements and evaluations” in “Social Science tribune” No.3, June 1991 (in Greek)
9. “An analysis of the sexual behavior of young residents of Athens related to their eventual risk of their sexual identity” with J.Chliaoutakis in EKKE Review, No 79, 1991 (in Greek)
10. 11. Two articles about “Attitudes and behavior of habitants of Athens related to their eventual risk of HIV infection”, with J.Chliaoutakis et al. in “Military Medical Review” vol 25,4 July 1991(in Greek)
12. “Premarital sexual and contraceptive behavior” with J.Chliaoutakis in “Social Science Tribune”, No.6, Dec 1991(in Greek)
13. “Ecological Movements”, article in Encyclopedia Hydria, Athens 1992 (in Greek)
14. “Knowledge and Attitudes about AIDS of residents of greater Athens” with J.Chaoutakis et. al. in “Social Science and Medicine” vol 37, No.1, pp 77-83, Feb 1993 (in English)
15. “Educational Inequalities and transmission of Cultural Capital in Greece” in Anniversary of Superior School of Home Economics, Athens, June 1993 (in English)
16. “On Motivation and Values” in Anniversary of Superior School of Home Economics, Athens, June, 1993 (in Greek)
17. “Sociology of Education” in “Antitetradia tis Ekpaideusis”, Feb. 1994 (in Greek).
18. “Violence and Order in Youth Subcultures”, a comparison between English and Greek young football fans related to their behavior during the game and every-day life (in the Serbian Journal “Sosioloski Pregled” vol. XXVIII 1994) (in English)
19. Parents’ influence on adolescent sexual behavior and attitudes in Greece (in the collective volume “Childhood and Social Order” Manak Publishers, March 1996
20. “Socio-economic and legal aspects of the river Acheloos diversion project for rehabilitation for water resources” in D.P.Loucks(ed): “Restoration of degraded rivers”. Challenges, issues and experiences” pp.163-171, Kluwer, Amsterdam, 1998 (in English)
21. “Youth policy in the Netherlands”, a report by an international expert group appointed by the Council of Europe, with Carl Nissen (Denmark), Chairperson. Annette Scerri (Malta), Nikos Gousgounis( Greece) and Peter-Emil Mitev (Bulgaria). Council of Europe Monographies, Strasbourg, October, 1998
22. “Anomie and Alienation: Violence and Knowledge in youth subcultures” in Mitev. P.E.ed.”Balkan Youth and Perception of the Other” Sofia, June 2000 (in English)
23. “Multicultural Cosmopolitanism in Egypt`s culture” in “Habarshi Vestnik” Official Journal of the Kazakstan National University Al Farabi No.1 (15) pp 148-154, Akma Ata (in English).
24. “Settlement Policy in Greece and the Education of Immigrants” in Pittkanen Eds. “Immigration, Settlement Policies and Current Challenges to Education” London, Falmer Press, Feb. 2001
25. “Perspectives and Realities of Multicultural Education in Greece” in “Culture of Peace and the Balcan Youth”, pp 26-83, Ed. By P.E.Mitev and J.Riordan, Imir Sofia, 2002
26. “Information Technology creates Allophobia. How to eliminate it”, in M.K.Bhasin “Anthropology: Trends and Applications”, pp 233-247, Kamla Raj. Ed. Delhi 2002
27. “The transgressing character of the sacred in the double ritual of Anastenaria” in “Studies of Tribes and Tribals” vol.1, Num 2, pp 127-140, Delhi, Dec.2003.
28. “Maturity and sensibilisation as presuppositions for a Peace conception in Youth” in “Towards non-violence and dialogue culture in South-East Europe.” Pp 89-122 Iztok Zapad Sofia 2004(in English).
29. Transgrecia na sakralnoto v’ obreda Anastenaria” in Bulgarski Folklor Vol 4 2005 pp 92-111 Sofia
( in Bulgarian).
30. “Inequalities of the Greek educational system and students’ alienation” in the collective volume “Schools in the frontiers of Modernity” Cambridge Press, Cambridge 2006
31. “The European dimension of Education” ( under preparation in English) a lecture in a conference in Sofia in May 2007

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